Man has the tendency to the aspirational. Woman has the tendency to the relational. Hence, Man tends to formulate abstract hypotheses and sweeping conclusions; while Woman tends to formulate hypotheses in accordance to how they correspond to the personal—to each individual.

Woman is more sensitive to the fine details, to the edge cases that demand attention, for she is more in tune with what is Good and Beautiful. Man is more attuned to his own ambition, the grandiosity of his own ideas. He is more spirited, as he tends to greatness and heroism.

The irony is, in writing this I simultaneously posit my hypothesis and (as a man) provide a demonstration of the masculine tendency to conspicuously abstract and sweeping conclusions.

For example, to be more acceptable and precise, I could have switched out “Man” and “Woman” with “the masculine” and “the feminine”, but I as a man allocate more gravity to the audacity of my hypothesis than the inclusions or exclusions of my hypothesis.

This is the source of many modern frustrations: the clash of these masculine-feminine tendencies. And now that we are living in the time of society’s feminisation, ever the more starkly so.

Thus, Truth appears at odds with Good (reminiscent of a disparity that came out in a finding while back). It is not because they are at odds, simply because of variation in the nature of errors we tend to pick out.