Pleased to meet you, fellow traveler! 👋

Welcome to my pocket of cyberspace 🤔🌊⛰️🔭

But first let’s get some good vibes going, shall we?

But first let’s get some good vibes going, shall we?

<aside> 👋 I'm Euwyn. As I understand it, attention is the scarce resource of our time. So if you have to browse quickly, here is a super-brief intro.

tl;dr → I reside currently in Melbourne, Australia. 🇦🇺 Malaysian-born. → ☀️: Currently: Head of Operations @ Hansa Accelerator. We are accelerating the future of open societies. → Previously I ran the Startmate Accelerator, the largest accelerator in Australia & New Zealand. → 🌙 : Writing my book (tentatively) titled ‘Frames & Axioms’, on making sense of living. Read it below. → 🏖 : My ideal day is spent reading and writing at cafes, listening to Bill Evans’ jazz piano, and spending time with good quality humans.



🐦 Twitter for thoughts

🇱 LinkedIn for work

📸 Instagram for personal life

📖 Goodreads for book reviews + see what I’m reading

✍️ Substack for book writing



A Memoir Worth Writing: Frames & Axioms [Currently being rewritten]

Book writing in progress! Frames & Axioms is the first of a series of books under what will be the culmination of my life’s work, A Memoir Worth Writing. Frames & Axioms is a collection of 40+ axioms: deliberations on making sense of life. These are my foundations that I have found reliable, and from which all my values and actions flow — like streams from an ocean. → Read more.

Reflection updated frequently


→ Short essays

Short Poem #2

Postmodern Prodigal Sons

Man Abstracts, Woman Personalises

Short Poem: ‘The Game’

Psychedelics as a window, not a door

Behind the political divide

Modern rationalisation of ancient rituals

Book Thoughts, Notes & Summaries (Old)

Meditations on Aurelius's Meditations

How to have the Courage to be Disliked

What in the world is Quality?

Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow: Takeaways

Orwell/Huxley: Visions of the Future

Atomic Habits: How to change behaviour

Sun Tzu's Art of War: Takeaways


Euwyn Wrapped 2022

Euwyn Wrapped 2021

Year In Review 2020

The science of starting a startup

How to find a desirable job as an immigrant in Melbourne (or any major city)

Australian startup resources for founders + investors

All Essays I’ve Ever Written

A Memoir Worth Writing: Frames & Axioms [Currently being rewritten]

Thesis № 1: The Future of Community is Private Cities

Beauty as a Worldview: Part 1 of 3

Why I Am a Christian

Choose your society wisely

    → Published on [CARRE4](<>).

Don't try to change the world until you do this

    → Published on [CARRE4](<>).

<aside> 👇 If you'd like to receive updates as new axioms are published, enter your email below!


My entire philosophy of life can be summarised in this low-res meme.

My entire philosophy of life can be summarised in this low-res meme.